Last year, Roxanna's husband was deported, despite the fact that he was the sole provider for his pregnant wife and 1-year-old son. Roxanna's story shows how our immigration system needs to work to preserve, not split up families.
Hi my name is Roxanna and I currently live in Virginia.
I am 22 years old, a mother of four beautiful children. I was born in these United States but my parents are Mexican natives. My husband, father of my children, is a Mexican native.
On September 18, 2011 my husband was pulled over by the police. He was suspected of driving while intoxicated. He was arrested and taken to jail. He then got detained by ICE and that same week he got moved to Farmville detention center.
My brothers in law and my parents helped me get a lawyer and filed a petition. Our first hearing was on October 18th.
"My husband got to spend 15 days with his newborn son."
While in the court hearing we were listening to other cases similar to my husband’s but these other inmates had committed not once, not twice, but three times the same crime and the judge let them out on bond. When my husband’s turn came, the judge didn’t even let our lawyer explain to him the reason my husband needed to stay and denied his release.
So we wanted to keep fighting so we got another court hearing for November 2nd. The court hearing date came and I went with my father and 1-year-old son. Our turn came up. This time, my lawyer explained to him that I was 6 months pregnant and that I did not work and that my husband was the only one supporting my kids and me.
The judge didn’t care. He set a $5000 bond with a voluntary departure for March 1st of 2012. My son was born February 15. My husband got to spend 15 days with his newborn son. My children do not know there dad. Yes, I admit my husband did make a mistake, a very bad mistake and there are consequences for his actions, but to be separated from his sons and me is just unfair. It breaks my heart when my kids ask me when is their dad coming home or mommy why did they take my dad away from us?
But I will fight. I will do whatever possible so my husband, children and I are reunited! There are many, many more people that have committed more serious crimes than what my husband has made. It’s unfair what they have done. We need change and we need it NOW!! Stop destroying families. Stop separating children from their parents. My parents came to this country to work. They came to this country for a better life! Latinos unidos jamás serán vencidos!!!
-Roxanna R.
Have you or somone you love been affected by our broken immigration system? Please share your story with us today. The more stories we can elevate, the better we raise awareness of the damage our broken system causes, and the stronger our movement will be. Please share your story today!